orientation course

英 [ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃn kɔːs] 美 [ˌɔːriənˈteɪʃn kɔːrs]

定向航线;已熟悉的航线; 定向课程;示向(指导)学程


  1. New Orientation& the english course will begin.
  2. The changing trend of the enterprise series and6 major enterprise groups has been clear, and being open is a kind of inevitable orientation though the course is slow.
  3. The orientation of the course is toward the practical rather than the theoretical.
  4. Reflections on the Major Orientation and Course System of Material Chemistry in Teaching Oriented Universities
  5. A Probe into the Practical Orientation in Course Construction of Comprehensive Specialty
  6. The Survey on Peer-Gentry's Historical Orientation in the Course of England's Agricultural Revolution
  7. The Preliminary Study on How to Begin a New English Lesson in Middle School; Pre-Release Reintegration Orientation Course [ Correctional Services Department]
  8. The Research on the College Students Choosing Courses of Public Physical Education on Line in Hebei Province; Value Orientation to Optional Course for Non-sports Majors in Universities
  9. Value Orientation to Optional Course for Non-sports Majors in Universities Concentrators in geological sciences elect either geology or geography.
  10. Pre-Release Reintegration Orientation Course [ Correctional Services Department] New enhanced performance targets were also publicised.
  11. In this article, the current situation of domestic PE course research was discussed. It was concluded that the research on value orientation of sports course theory played a fundamental role in physical education practice and the implementation of PE courses.
  12. Development Orientation of the Course of the Hui Social Modernization in Contemporary Times
  13. Packing Engineering Specialty Orientation and Course System
  14. To infiltrate idea and method of mathematical modeling in the mathematical analysis teaching is one of the effective method of training studients ′ innovative and practical ability, and it is an important orientation mathematical course reform of college and universities.
  15. Thirdly, the orientation of College Chinese Course in all the various specialties in higher vocational colleges;
  16. In order to teach this course well, it is necessary to clarify the character and orientation of the course, to establish the theme and main clue of the course, to construct a scientific teaching content system and to create new teaching methods.
  17. The Influence of Goal Orientation in Mathematics Course on Learning Motivation and Academic Achievement of Undergraduate
  18. Recalling the history of national unity education in middle and primary schools, and making correct understanding and orientation of the course can promote effective improvement of the course in middle and primary schools, and at the same time, carry out national unity education in depth.
  19. Effects of~ ( 60) co radiation on deformation and orientation in the course of erythrocyte senescence
  20. Observation the Value Orientation of Sports Course's Referring to the Developing of Sports Teaching Material
  21. Multicultural course resources have very important influence over the establishment of multicultural course objectives, organization and selection of course contents, courses reform, and orientation of course appraisal.
  22. In math teaching, to infiltrate research study by actively finding out the potential of textbooks and making use of concept teaching, theorem and formula teaching and examples teaching is the new orientation of course reform later on.
  23. A Study on the Value Orientation of PE Course Theory
  24. The Development of Orientation Course in Higher Vocational College
  25. There are some achievements made in knowledge teaching, ability cultivation, moral standard enhancement and behavior orientation in the course of Morals and Ethics Cultivation and the course of Marxist Theory by adopting the heuristic teaching method.
  26. Research considers there is a closely relation with the political and economic development that every major shift of the value orientation on music course.
  27. To avoid checking, this paper hopes in clear arguments, and on the basis of the value orientation of recessive course systematic pectination and explore the hidden curriculum in ideological and political education function of: Moral education ideology function, the function, the social function.
  28. However, the previous researches put most emphasis on the orientation of course implement itself and technology of IT course.
  29. Based on the universal ethical principle orientation New Course teaching, we put forward concrete evaluation criterion under the wire of New Course logos: comprehensive evaluation, various evaluation methodologies and pluralism of subjectival evaluation.



  1. a course introducing a new situation or environment

      Synonym:    orientation